Air Filling

Product Code : SAY-END-DLM-HVL
Category Title : Powder Filling
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- It offers the most suitable solution for packaging fine and grinded products with medium and high density flow.
- The product taken into the machine reservoir with the help of the valve is controlled by the level sensor and the filling is realized by transferring the valve bag inside with the help of blower.
- Machine filling speed varies depending on the density and fluidity of the product.
- Filling electronically, with load cells and indicators, they fill quickly and slowly.

Products Used:
- Granule, Cement, cement sand, chemical mixtures, joint gaps, gypsum, gypsum plaster, barite, various chemicals

- Capacity: (may vary) bags/hour
- Available Bags: PP, PE, Kraft...
- Filling Weight: (may vary)
- Weighing capacity: (may vary) kg
- Material: (may vary)
- Material to be packed: (may vary) micron

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